«Commercial centre, transport and wood» JSC actively participates in preparation of various social programs and events.
«CCTL» JSC has provided significant help to:
«CCTL» JSC actively supports The Russian imperial Foundation for Cancer Research. We find the lack of research in this field to be a big social problem in modern Russia, as a lot of people suffering from oncological diseases cannot still get proper treatment. We think that support of the research, scientists and specialists in this field would help improve and refine the system for the diagnosis and treatment, which would ultimately help the largest number of patients;
Social Organisation for People with disabilities «Dancing on wheelchairs sports club» in setting up trainig process in april-july 2004. «CCTL» also organised charity events for children with disabilities and kids from foster care of Saint-Petersburg in Roschino village;
Regional Social Charity Movement «Great bear»;
Kindergarden №40;
The Association of Combat Veterans of police and internal troops of Russia in implementation of social security programs for combat vets and family members of those who lost their lives in the line of duty;
Department of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in preparation and holding event for the families of the personnel, пwho lost their lives in the line of duty;
Border patrol squad «Saint-Petersburg» in perfecting the National Border security at border crossing points;
Russian airbase in Kanta (Kyrgyz republic);
«CCTL» JSC donates to various charitable foundations, such as Family Protection Foundation, «Mercy for kids» Foundation, «Fortuna» Center for Disabled Children;
On the 3rd of october 2014 «CCTL» JSC participated in the «Tree of Life» charity event, held by The State Russian Museum Development Fund «Friends of the Russian Museum». A beautiful English Oak, planted by our company's management, grows bigger and stronger today in Mikhailovsky Garden of Saint-Petersburg.
«CCTL» yearly provides financial support to the veterans of the Second World War, as well as inhabitants of the beiseged city of Leningrad and combat veterans;
We are friends with Children's Village – SOS Pushkin, which develops programs of long-term care, strengthening of the family and prevention of child abandonment, educational programs and child's rights security.